The Homecoming Parade, Perfomances, Mr. G and Parents!
Homecoming in the town of Greer is a VERY big deal! The week starts off with a parade, then a pep rally and then the Big game. Our Band photographers are always around. Below you will find pictures from the parade. At least once a year the Band performs after the game so that parents can get some good pictures. See how well we did! Every week the last line of this page will be dedicated to "PARENT'S THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE".
Homecoming Parade
What's a parade without Gee!
Homecoming Representative for the Band was Taji Sewell
Also representing the Band by riding in the parade was Miss GHS - PJ Frantz. She is seen here at the end of the parade route with the Grand Marshall - Rep. Vern Smith. The pageant is sponsored by the band.
Mr. G accepting the Goofyest Band Director award at the Chesnee Competition. The award was won by the school that put the most money into the jar for their Band Director!
Check out those feet!
Which way did he say we were going? I can't see anything from behind here!
Opening number
Is it time to go home yet? Not till the Band plays!
Our (always) AWARD WINNING Band Front!
Tenor & Bari Sax's
Sousaphone Section
Our Banner Girls and our Trophies from the Mauldin Competition
THE 2000 - 2001 Seniors
What a smile!
Nikki makes being Drum Major look like fun!
Patrick Lathrop & Dan Espinosa
Laura Powell & Danielle Hoffman
Matt Gillespie
Smiling Faces!
Will Brooks (one of our soloist) & Julia Mathis
Dani & Adam
Theresa Mason & Jolyn Beck help serve dinner at the Chesnee competition
Executive Board Members and Committee Chairman join Mr. G & Mr. K in dedicating the newly purchased Band Field!
Warren Turner - Tess's dad and Mike Brown - Chris's dad